"Perfect for momentary jolts in between the daily moments of drudgery, Far and Away is loaded with slices of life that sting with humor and linger in memory." - The Pen and Muse

About Heather Dade

Heather Dade was born near the Great Lakes, but made her way to South Carolina where she lives to this day. She's the author of Epiphany (an ARe best seller), as well as over seventy short stories, books, and poems under the name Heather Kuehl (pronounced "keel").

Published Works

A complete list of published works by Heather Kuehl can be found Here.
A complete list of published works by Heather Dade can be found Here.

Monday, August 4, 2008

August Updates

"The Death of Zeke" is offically up at AlienSkin Magazine. It's cute, and features one of my favorite fantasy critters...the weresquirrel. On August 26th, FLASHSHOT will have my story "A Lover Scorned" up on their site. Other than that, there are no new writing updates. I really do need to start writing some new stuff. I have three stories that are out and about, but that's it. And with my next story not coming out until February ("Dalamar's Quest" in Flashing Swords), I need to do something.

I got my diploma the other day. I finished college at the end of June, and was waiting for my school to contact me to let me know when I could pick it up. Discovered something interesting though. My history major was a Bachelor of Science degree. I have a BS. How weird is that?

My updates are going to be few and far between through the end of the year. With only three months left until Cameron is born, I've got a lot to do.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Updates and such

I can't believe I haven't updated this in so long. So much has been going on. Baby plans are going great. I'm 13 weeks along and should find out the sex of my baby by mid-June. YAY! because I really really really want to know what I'm having.

I've added a Reviews section to my main page. I discovered that there were several reviews of my works out there, and decided to share them with you.

NEW Forthcoming Works:

"Miscommunication" will be in The Drabbler 11: SETI Calling on June 1st.
"The Death of Zeke" will be in AlienSkin Magazine in their Aug/Sept issue.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What gets you in the mood?

I have to do a total rewrite for my story "An Unexpected Love." I sent it though Critters.org a while back, and noticed that almost everyone had the same things to say about it. After the 9th or 10th repitition of the same thing, I realized that the only way to fix all of the problems and hopefully get it accepted somewhere was to totally rewrite it. Keep the characters the same, the foundation, but all the bloody insides had to change. Technically, I have to write a newish story.

Something that I dread to do. Why? Because I have read through it so much while editing that I have it almost memorized. I love the characters within it, but I feel like I'm almost sick of them. It's like a friend who has overstayed their welcome. You still like them, still are friends with them, but you just want some time to spend with other friends.

I have no motivation to work on this, especially when I've got so many ideas swimming around in my head. So my question is, who do I get in the mood?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Acceptances and Rewrites

Aphelion has accepted another haiku from me. "Full Moon Pulls at Him" will be up in April. Every Day Fiction has requested a rewrite for "Fire and Brimstone." I must say that it was the kindest, most confidence-lifting letter that I have ever gotten. It made me feel all fluffy inside. Hopefully they'll like my changes!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Aphelion Webzine has accepted "Swirling Gray Storm Clouds," a fantasy haiku. It should debut in March.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Change

"The Change" is currently up at Tuesday Shorts!

I would say more, but I've got a week of catching up to do. :o)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Micro and Silliness

FLASHSHOT has once again accepted several of my flash pieces. "To Have and To Hold," "The Magic Word," and "Allure of the Net" have all been accepted for future publication. You can go here to see the dates.

Also two of my limericks, "Wayward Magic" and "Tone Deaf" are going to be in the Silly Fantasy/SciFi Anthology. Which makes me a member of the Silly Club. Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pen Pricks Valentines Issue

"Happily Ever After" will be in the Valentine's Day Issue of Pen Pricks! As I have said before, February is so going to be my month!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ruins Metropolis TOC Announced

Ruins Metropolis TOC

Cover Art (c) by Debbie Hughes

The stories are set in the ruins depicted in this cover art. In each story, the woman in the image is the protagonist. How similar are the stories? Ah, that was the experiment. You decide.Coming soon . . . .Ruins Metropolis

Adele Cosgrove-Bray "Old World Magic"
Ahmed A. Khan "End"
Alycia C. Cooke "Sumari's Solitude"
Anna D. Allen "Mrs. Kelly's Ghosts"
Barton Paul Levenson "City of the Dead"
Brenta Blevins "A Haunting in Giza"
C.L. Holland "In Search of Camanac"
Camille Alexa "Veilsight"
Chris Benton "For Sale: One Gold (plated) Eye Of Horus"
Christine Poulsen "The Eye of Re-Atum"
Erin M. Hartshorn "By the Pool of the Blue Lotus"
Gene Stewart "The Name and the Shadow"
Gerri Leen "Seeker of the Dead"
Gianna Robbins "Goddess Reborn"
H.F. Gibbard "Chamber of Illusions"
Heather Kuehl "The Final Goodbye"
Jacqueline Seewald "Amulet"
Jennifer Moore "The Return of the Queen"
Jonathan Shipley "When Love Dies"
Jude-Marie Green "Dancing On the Corpse of the World"
K.L. Townsend "Convergence"
Kari Livingston "Kehmet's Curse"
Kate Kelly "In the precinct of Amun-Re"
Kimberly Vandervort "The Librarian of Talimbourne"
Leslie Brown and Sarah Totton "The Amulet of Passages"
Lyn McConchie "Children of the City"
Meg Swanton "The Memory"
Megan Arkenberg "Panthanatos"
R.F. Long "Carrying Keptara"
Ransom Noble "Qui's Contract"
Rob Rosen "The Great Sleep"
Sarah Wagner "The Tomb of Setankan"
Stephen Graham King "Burning Stone"
Victoria Kennedy "The Deserted City"
Willis Couvillier "Haroeris's Favor”

The line-up looks awesome! From what I have heard, the stories are quite diverse. My story, "The Final Goodbye," is set in Egypt and discusses the one question that everyone has to the dead. What is that question? Well you are just going to have to read Ruins Metropolis to find out!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

P&E poll results and Ruins update!

The final scores are tallied for the Preditors and Editors Poll and " The Wicked Deed" has placed 22nd, along with 28 other people. Not bad, seeing as someone has to vote it on in the first place. Hopefully next year goes better.

If everything goes as planned Ruins Metropolis will be out around the end of February. I've seen the TOC and it looks awesome. The full list of stories should be listed here within the next couple of days.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Preditors & Editors Poll

I just found out that someone voted my story "The Wicked Deed" onto the Preditors and Editors Poll! It's a little too late to do anything about it now, since the voting ends at midnight tonight, but it's still an honor to even be nominated.

Thank you.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fastest Acceptances EVER!

At 7:54 I emailed two of my mirco fiction stories to MicroHorror.com.

By 7:59 I got them accepted. Wow!

"Back to the Beginning" and "The Price of Utopia" are both up on MicroHorror. It's taken me forever to find "Back to the Beginning" a home, and I am happy that it's with MicroHorror. As for "The Price of Utopia," once you read it you will see why it was a hard sell. But it does make you think.

You can either view them on the Free Fiction part of my website, or through the link below. Enjoy!
