"Perfect for momentary jolts in between the daily moments of drudgery, Far and Away is loaded with slices of life that sting with humor and linger in memory." - The Pen and Muse

About Heather Dade

Heather Dade was born near the Great Lakes, but made her way to South Carolina where she lives to this day. She's the author of Epiphany (an ARe best seller), as well as over seventy short stories, books, and poems under the name Heather Kuehl (pronounced "keel").

Published Works

A complete list of published works by Heather Kuehl can be found Here.
A complete list of published works by Heather Dade can be found Here.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Interview w/ Dusty Pages

I'm being interviewed at Dusty Pages today! Stop by to see what I have to say about PROMISES TO KEEP, how my family feels about my writing, and if I would ever tell the whole truth in my biography.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Cover Art!

Interview Today

I'm being interviewed at C.J. Gabriel's blog today. Stop by to see what I have to say about writing PROMISES TO KEEP, the book that has impacted my life, and what people would be surprised to learn about me.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Time to Write

I'm so jealous! Many of my author friends on Facebook are talking about how they can get so much writing done during the summer. I wish I could say the same, but since I'm a mom my schedule doesn't really change with summer. I am still getting up early, taking care of the kiddo and our home, and struggling to get chores done during his naps. By the time he goes to bed at night I am so exhausted and wanting to spend a little quality time with my husband. I do get a little bit of writing done here and there, but not enough to keep up with the ideas in my brain. This is what my Works in Progress list looks like right now:

1) BLOOD MOON (finish by Sept at latest; you see, I like to have a book ready to submit when a new release is coming out. I submitted PROMISES when FADE came out, MALEVOLENT when PROMISES came out, and I'd like to submit BLOOD when MALEVOLENT comes out.) The final (?) book in the Sarah Vargas Series. The Blood Moon Corporation is coming for Sarah, and even she doesn't think she can make it out alive.

1.5) Xmas story for charity anthology. Theme: Just another Paranormal Christmas. Problem: I've never written a Christmas story before. I hope to have this one be about Damian from the Sarah Vargas Series.

2) OF WOLF AND MAN. I had just gotten through the hard scene when my computer crashed and I lost a good chunk of it. I have 25k written and printed out right now and I think if I go back through and polish it up I may get the inspiration to finish it. Plan to start polishing during July. Tells the story of Juliet and Jensen; Juliet discovers Jensen's dangerous secret and now a Clan of rouge werewolves wants her dead. It's my first attempt at YA.

2.5) ACROSS TIME. A novella about Amythist Dyier finding love again. Her short stories came out in quick bursts so I hope her novella does the same.

3) Untitled Technopath Story. Originally a short story, I realize that I have more to say. Samantha lives in a post apocalyptic world where a human created microbe can infect technology, making it alive. It needs the earth's resources to survive, and the humans are just scum standing in their way. Samantha is one of only a handful of technopaths, a person that can control technology, that can defeat them.

4) GREY MAGIC. T.D. Drake novel. T.D. has been assigned by the Covenant to find the Grey Magic, a witch with the ability to use both light and dark magic without being morally affected. For some reason unknown to her, Dez (my blue haired vampire) tags along and adventures ensue.

All of these characters are yelling at me, and I wish I had the time to write about them now but I'm having to settle with outlining. I hope when I get around to writing them that they are still trying to claw their way out of my skull like they are doing now.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

FADE TO BLACK at the library!

I think I posted this a while ago... The Berkeley County Library System carries FADE TO BLACK! It's one thing to see it in their catalog. It's another to go there and actually see it!

It's tiny, but it's there!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Getting Stuck

Every so often I start to get worried about getting stuck. It usually happens when writer's block sets in, which is what's happening right now. BLOOD MOON is at a fight scene that I just can't write. Something is wrong with it, and I don't know what. But I'm getting off topic. I'm not talking about getting stuck like writer's block stuck. I mean in the publishing industry.

It should be no surprise what my final goal is; to walk into a book store and find my title on their shelves, and not because I snuck it in there myself or called ahead to order it. I'd also like to be on the New York Times Bestseller list. I think these goals are the same for every writer (correct me if I'm wrong).

I get worried, at times, that I'm going to get stuck in what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this before, but I don't feel like looking it up. It's really getting to me lately. I was worried about that when I was just having short stories published (what if that's all I'm ever able to do?) and I worry about that now with my novellas (can't I ever write something over 30k?). I hope to keep growing as a writer, especially since over the last four years I have gone from two flash stories published to 3 books and over 50 short stories and poems published. I have a plan in my head about how the next couple of years will turn out (finish BLOOD MOON and get that published and start working on my paranormal romance novel. Maybe get a novella published by Nocturne Bites).

I know how to get to my final goal - I need to sit down and write - but with so much of my time sucked up my promoting the three books I have out there now I'm drained by the end of the day when I sit down to write. I've joked around with my husband, saying that I need to hire someone to do the promo for me, but I'm starting to think that's not a bad idea. Imagine what I could do with the extra time! Or maybe I need to start picking and choosing what to update. Using Ping to update my Twitter and Facebook has helped, but if I want to use graphics I can't use Ping to update my blog...not like I do that much anyways. Yahoo Groups just kill me, but I've gotten to the point that I post the same stuff every promo day, even going as far as having it saved in MSWord. Sign in, copy, paste, sign out.

I've just read through what I've written, and I realize that I'm whining. I'd delete this, but isn't that what blogs are for?

Monday, June 14, 2010

New review for FADE TO BLACK!

Wow that was quick! I sent Happily Ever After Reviews a request just the other day, and was surprised by this fantastic review in my inbox today.

"Ms. Kuehl was more than able to deliver with this short paranormal romance. From the first word, I was hooked and the end left me begging for more." Read More

It even received 4/5 teacups!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Acceptance for "Dalamar's Quest"

This has been a long time coming! "Dalamar's Quest" has been accepted for publication by Bewildering Stories. This is Amythist Dyier's debut story. The sequels, "The Hunt" (Ethereal Tales) and "The Final Goodbye" (Ruins Metropolis), have already been published. Amythist is one of my favorite short story characters, and I hope to have the chance to write about her in a longer work one day. So why did it take so long to get Amy's debut story out there?

Here's a little truth about the publishing world; just because it's been accepted, doesn't mean it will make it to print. "Dalamar's Quest" was slated for publication in Feb 2009, but the magazine that accepted it ran into some problems. First, they changed ownership. When that happens, things can either go really good like they have over at Eternal Press, or really bad like what happened there. They got behind on their publishing schedule, and finally they threw in the towel and closed down. I could see this coming from a mile away and crossed my fingers that they could published "Dalamar's Quest" before closing their doors. They couldn't, and all the rights reverted back to me. I started submitting "Dalamar's Quest" again this year.

I'm happy to say that this story has been accepted and you will be able to view online for free. I love Amythist, and I'm happy you get the chance to meet her. Right now I don't know the publication date, but as soon as I have it I'll let you know.

Second Edits and Release Date

I got my second edits for MALEVOLENT DEAD yesterday, and am happy to say that I made the changes, send it back to my editor, and it's now on its way to proofs. I also have to say that editing MD was the quickest editing EVER. I must be getting a hang of this writing things, LoL.

When I got my second edits I got my release date. MALEVOLENT DEAD will be released on...*drum roll*... September 7th!

So mark your calendars and get ready for the second installment in the Sarah Vargas Series. I promise you are in for a wild ride!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Malevolent Dead

Opened my inbox and what do I find? First edits! Fixed quite a bit and made MALEVOLENT DEAD flow better. Already made my changes and sent it back to my editor. I am a quick little worker bee. :o)

And being the quick little bee that I am, I've already made my book trailer for MALEVOLENT. I'm just waiting on my final cover art and the publication date. I hope to get the date soon. The cover art takes a little longer. Usually I don't find out until the month before its release what the final art looks like.

Edits make me so excited. While I hate doing them, it's one step closer to getting published!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ugh! Editing

I'm complaining...I mean talking about editing today at The Book Boost. I also have an excerpt from Promises to Keep on there as well.
