"Perfect for momentary jolts in between the daily moments of drudgery, Far and Away is loaded with slices of life that sting with humor and linger in memory." - The Pen and Muse

About Heather Dade

Heather Dade was born near the Great Lakes, but made her way to South Carolina where she lives to this day. She's the author of Epiphany (an ARe best seller), as well as over seventy short stories, books, and poems under the name Heather Kuehl (pronounced "keel").

Published Works

A complete list of published works by Heather Kuehl can be found Here.
A complete list of published works by Heather Dade can be found Here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Across Time progress

Goal = 80-85K words (that's around 420 pages)
Current word count = 5k

Normally I'd be very happy at this point, but my progress is thanks for three short stories  that I'm struggling to add to the story. The prologue is a mixture of two of these short stories, changed a bit since this is going to be a novel. The  third story will be used for backstory for Amythist Dyier, my heroine.

In case you are interested, I have all my Amythist Dyier stories available on Kindle and Nook in an anthology called Amythist Dreams. You an purchase it on Smashwords HERE.

Tomorrow, Chapter One. I'll piece together the prologue later. :)

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