"Perfect for momentary jolts in between the daily moments of drudgery, Far and Away is loaded with slices of life that sting with humor and linger in memory." - The Pen and Muse

About Heather Dade

Heather Dade was born near the Great Lakes, but made her way to South Carolina where she lives to this day. She's the author of Epiphany (an ARe best seller), as well as over seventy short stories, books, and poems under the name Heather Kuehl (pronounced "keel").

Published Works

A complete list of published works by Heather Kuehl can be found Here.
A complete list of published works by Heather Dade can be found Here.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Forbidden Magic update

I would love to give you an update for Forbidden Magic. After all, the contract for it was signed in September 2014. By now I should have had cover art (I'll get to what you see here in a minute), edits, and a release date and I don't.

The publisher recently came under new management, so to say, so there is a lot of cleaning house going on. I have discovered that I am not the only author waiting for what feels like forever. I don't blame my publisher's current owner for this. I have been with this publisher since 2009 and they have always been awesome to me. I look forward to sending them more of my work in the future.

In the mean time, I've gotten to work on a lot of new manuscripts and even worked on perfecting an old one. National Novel Writing Month begins on Sunday and I have a great idea (my NaNoWriMo handle is dadewrites; please feel free to follow my progress. I believe there is a NaNoWriMo icon on the right side of this blog that will take you there too.). I've also found that I prefer Twitter's short format rather than a blog, so ramblings on here will be few.

Now for the delicious piece of art on this post. You can thank Ian Hill for it (follow him on Twitter @IanSHill1). I explained to him what I was looking for and BOOM! He made it. I don't think this will end up being the final art for the book (wouldn't that be cool if it was, though?) but it's something for me to look at rather than the black "Coming Soon" box I had before.

I hope 2016 will be the year of Forbidden Magic. It's a story that I am dying to share with you.
Forbidden Magic blurb:
When witches need their dirty work done, they call one person; their Enforcer Tabitha Drake. She is lethal and powerful with a dangerous secret. All magic comes at a cost, but she never has to pay. If the Conclave of witches ever found out, they’d experiment on her until there was nothing left. When a witch in South Carolina starts consolidating magic, the Conclave sends Tabitha to take care of it. There she runs into Dez, a born vampire with a secret of his own. It’s hard to work with someone you can’t trust, but it’s even harder when emotions start to get in the way. When secrets are revealed, Tabitha has to put her trust in a vampire shrouded in secrets. Will Tabitha’s heart get broken or is this the first step to a normal life?

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